Oral Presentation Guidelines
Notes for Speakers
- We ask speakers to send the final presentation as pdf or pptx to contact@iculta.com by April 17, 2023. Otherwise, please provide your presentation on an USB stick to the technical team in the conference room at the beginning of the day or at least 30 minutes before the session starts, so that we can upload and test the data in time.
- Accepted abstracts will be published as submitted in the ICULTA 2023 conference booklet.
- With submission, the authors assume responsibility for the accuracy of the data. The responsibility for resolving any copyright issues with third parties concerning the content of the abstract and the presentation lies with the authors.
- All speakers are required to register for the conference. A reduced registration fee is offered for invited speakers. Speakers can also take advantage of a full attendee conference registration included in exhibitor and sponsor packages.

Time limit for each presentation
Please keep these time limits so that we can keep to the conference schedule.
- Tutorial: 35 min oral presentation, 10 min discussion
- Plenary Talk: 25 min oral presentation, 5 min discussion
- Invited Talk: 25 min oral presentation, 5 min discussion
- Contributed Talk: 12 min presentation, 3 min discussion
Technical Equipment on Site
- Two widescreen projection screens (16:9) in the main conference room, one screen in the second conference room
- Laptop with Windows, Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader on a speaker's desk
- Digital laser pointer & headset microphone
- NOTE: Mac OS will not be supported. Own notebooks are not permitted.